Master the MRCPCH

GOSHpods presents Master the MRCPCH, a regular podcast for doctors training in paediatrics brought to you by the Great Ormond Street Hospital Learning Academy. Whether you're preparing for your membership exams, or just fancy a...more

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GOSHpods presents Master the MRCPCH, a regular podcast for doctors training in paediatrics brought to you by the Great Ormond Street Hospital Learning Academy. Whether you're preparing for your membership exams, or just fancy a run through of a clinically relevant, interesting topic, hopefully this is the podcast for you.

Our sister podcast GOSHpods has a range of podcasts highlighting the work of the GOSH Learning Academy; you can find GOSHpods on your preferred podcast platform.

We would love to get your feedback on our podcasts, as well as your suggestions for future topics you would like to hear about. Please help us by filling out our feedback survey at:

This podcast is brought to you the GOSH Learning Academy. To find more about our work you can visit our website here: 

Twitter: @GOSHLearnAcad

Instagram: @GOSHLearnAcad

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Meet our Hosts

Emma Forman

Emma Forman

Emma is a specialist registrar in anaesthesia, with interests in paediatric anaesthesia and perioperative medicine. She is currently taking time out of programme to complete the digital learning fellowship, along with completing a PG Cert in medical education at the University of Dundee. Emma is particularly interested in the role of technology in medical education and in how advances in digital media will change the way teaching is delivered. She is hoping to build on the success of the podcast programming launched by the GLA and continue to produce a range of high-quality, educational resources.

Dr Rhian Thomas

Dr Rhian Thomas

Rhian is a specialist registrar in Clinical Genetics with a background in paediatrics and an interest in rare disease. She is currently taking time out of programme to pursue an interest in digital education and is undertaking a PGCert in Medical Education at UCL and the Royal College of Physicians. Rhian has been committed to progressing the successful podcasting programme launched by the GLA and has been involved in numerous projects promoting education for junior doctors.